Utterance 453.
844a. To say: O N., stand up,
844b. put on thee the eye of Horus, take it to thyself,
844c. that it may stick to thee, that it may stick to thy flesh,
845a. that thou mayest go out in it, and that the gods may see thee adorned with it,
845b. that thou mayest take the great wrr.t-crown among the Great Ennead of Heliopolis.
846a. O N., live,
846b. for the eye of Horus is brought to thee; it will not depart from thee for ever and ever.
Utterance 454.
847a. To say: Osiris N., thou hast encircled every god in thine arms,
847b. their lands, all their possessions.
847c. Osiris N., thou art great, thou art bent around like the circle which encircles the nb.wt.
Utterance 455.
848a. To say: The watercourses are full, the canals are inundated
848b. on account of the purification (which) comes forth from Osiris.
848c. Sm-priest, hereditary-prince, ye ten great ones of the palace, ye ten great ones of Heliopolis,
849a. Great Ennead, be seated,
849b. behold this purification of the king, this Osiris N.,
849c. who is being purified by smn (-natron) and by bd (-natron),
850a. the spittle which went out of the mouth of Horus, the sputum which went out of the mouth of Set,
850b. whereby Horus was purified,
850c. whereby the evil, which was in him, was poured to the ground, after Set had done (it) to him,
850d. whereby Set was purified,
850e. (whereby) the evil, which was in him, was poured to the ground, after Horus had done (it) to him.
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851a. N. is thereby purified, and the evil which was in him is poured to the ground,
851b. which Nwtknw has done to thee, together with thy spirits.
Utterance 456.
852a. To say: Greetings to thee, Great One, son of a Great One!
852b. The śȝw of the pri-wr run for thee;
852c. the pri-nsr work for thee;
852d. the apertures of the (heavenly) windows are open for thee;
852e. the steps of light are revealed for thee.
853a. Greetings to thee, sole one, of whom it is said, he will live always!
853b. Horus comes, he with the long stride comes;
853c. he comes, he who wins power over the horizon, who wins power over the gods.
854a. Greetings to thee, soul, who is in his red blood,
854b. sole one, as his father named him, wise one, as the gods called him,
854c. who took his place, as the sky was separated (from the earth), at the place where thy heart was satisfied,
854d. that thou mayest stride over the sky according to thy stride,
854e. that thou mayest traverse Lower and Upper Egypt in the midst of that which thou stridest!
855a. He who really knows it--this saying of Rē‘,
855b. he who uses them--those charms of Harachte,
855c. he shall be indeed an intimate of Rē‘,
855d. he shall be a friend of Harachte.
856a. N. knows this saying of Rē‘;
856b. N. uses them--these charms of Harachte.
856c. N. shall be an intimate of Rē‘,
856d. N. shall be a friend of Harachte.
856e. The arm of N. will be taken to heaven in the following of Rē‘.
Utterance 497.
857a. To say: The watered fields are satisfied, the canals are inundated
857b. for N. on this day,
857c. when his spirit is given to him, when his might is given to him.
858a. Raise thyself up, N., take to thyself thy water; gather to thee thy bones.
p. 159
858b. Stand up upon thy feet; spirit art thou at the head of the spirits.
859a. Raise thyself up for this thy bread, which cannot mould,
859b. for thy beer, which cannot become sour,
859c. by which thou shalt become spiritually mighty, by which thou shalt become pre-eminent, by which thou shalt become physically mighty,
859d. by which thou shalt give thereof to him who was, before thee. O N., thou art glorious and thy successor is glorious.
Utterance 458.
860a. --------------------------------------
860b. --------------------------------------
861a. The keeper (min.w) stands up before thee, so that the feast of the new-moon may be celebrated for thee,
861b. so that the feast of the month may be celebrated for thee, so that the feast of the half-month may take place for thee,
861c. so that the feast of the sixth day may be celebrated for thee, so that [the feast of ---- ] may take place [for thee].
862a. --------------------------------------
862b. --------------------------------------
862c. -----------------.
863a. Arms are given to thee, the dance comes down to thee,
863b. the great mni.t speaks to thee --------------------
863c. ----------------------------------------
Utterance 459.
864a. To say: O N.,
864b. take to thyself this thy pure water, which is come forth out of Elephantiné,
864c. thy water from Elephantiné, thy natron from ’Irw,
864d. thy ḥsmn (natron) from the Oxyrhynchus nome, thine incense from Nubia.
865a. Thou sittest upon thy firm throne,
865b. thy forepart being as, that of a jackal, thy hinderpart as that of a falcon;
865c. thou consumest the meat of the slaughtering-bench of Osiris and the double-rib piece of the slaughtering-bench of Set;
p. 160
866a. thy bread is the bread of the god out of the broad-hall (wśḫ.t-hall).
866b. Thou strikest with the ‘bȝ-sceptre, thou directest with the ’iȝȝ.t-sceptre;
866c. thou commandest the gods;
866d. thou layest hold for thyself of the arm of the imperishable stars.
867a. Thou ascendest in the Thinite nome; thou descendest in the great valley.
867b. Stand up, raise thyself up.
Utterance 460.
868a. To say: O N.,
868b. thy water, thy cool water-libation is the inundation of the Great One (who) which is come forth from thee.
868c. Now be still, hear it, this word which is said: "N.,
869a. he shall be a spirit at the head of the spirits, he shall be mighty at the head of the living,
869b. be shall sit at the side (temple, of the head) of the Ḫnti-’imnti.w."
869c. Thy two psn-cakes come out of the broad-hall; thy two ribs from the slaughtering-bench of the god.
870a. O N., raise thyself up.
870b. Receive for thyself this thy fresh bread, this thy fresh beer,
870c. which is come from thy house, which is given to thee.
Utterance 461.
871a. To say: O N.,
871b. thou ascendest (or, goest forth) as the morning star, and voyagest as the ḥnti (master of the heavenly ocean).
871c. Those who are in Nun fear thee;
871d. thou commandest the spirits.
872a. Isis laments for thee, Nephthys bemoans thee,
872b. the great mni.t smites evil for thee,
872c. as for Osiris in his suffering.
872d. "Nunite," "Nunite," guard thee against the great sea.
873a. Be seated on this thy firm throne,
873b. that thou mayest command those of secret places.
873c. The double doors of heaven are open for thee, the double doors of ḳbḥ.w are open for thee,
p. 161
873d. that thou mayest ferry over (pull the oar) to the Marsh of Reeds,
874a. and till the barley and reap the spelt,
874b. that thy livelihood may be secured thereby, like Horus, son of Atum.
Utterance 462.
875a. To say: O N., thou who wast great in waking and who art great in sleep,
875b. sweetness is too sweet for thee.
875c. Raise thyself up, N., thou shalt not die.
Utterance 463.
876a. To say: The double doors of heaven are open for thee, the double doors of ḳbḥ.w are open for thee,
876b. those which hold people back.
876c. The mni.t laments for thee, ḥnmm.wt bemoan thee;
876d. the imperishable stars stand up for thee.
877a. Thine air is incense, thy north-wind is (incense-) smoke.
877b. Thou art great in the Thinite nome;
877c. thou art the only star, which comes forth in the eastern side of heaven,
877d. which does not surrender himself to Horus of the Dȝ.t.
Utterance 464.
878a. Further, to say: Thou who art very high among the stars, the imperishable stars,
878b. thou wilt not perish (go down), eternally.
Utterance 465.
879a. To say: O ye gods of the horizon, who (live) at the end of the sky,
879b. as true as ye wish that Atum lives,
879c. that ye anoint yourselves with ointment, that ye clothe yourselves in linen,
879d. that ye receive your offering-cakes,
880a. so shall ye take (lit. to yourselves) the arm of N.
880b. and put him in the Marsh of Offerings,
880c. after ye have caused him to be a spirit among the spirits,
880d. after ye have caused him to be mighty among the gods,
p. 162
880e. that he may prepare for you a great meal and a great offering.
881a. He voyages over the sky; N. leads those who are in the "settlements" ("colonies");
881b. N. takes possession of the wrr.t-crown as Horus, son of Atum.
Utterance 466.
882a. To say: O N.,
882b. thou art the great star, the companion of Śȝḥ,
882c. who traverses the sky with Śȝḥ, who voyages over the Dȝ.t with Osiris.
883a. Thou, N., ascendest on the eastern side of the sky,
883b. renewed in thy time, rejuvenated in thine hour.
883c. Nut has borne thee, N., together with Śȝḥ;
883d. the year has adorned thee together with Osiris.
884a. Arms are given to thee, the dance comes down to thee, a meal is given to thee.
884b. The great mni.t laments for thee, as for Osiris in his suffering.
885. O N., sail, arrive, protect thyself against the great sea.
Utterance 467.
886a. To say: O Rē‘ concerning these things which thou hast said (about it), Rē‘, "O that I had a son," as thou wast king, Rē‘,
886b. "who is (spiritually) mighty, (physically) mighty, honoured,
886c. with carrying arms, with wide stride."
887a. Behold N., Rē‘, N. is thy son;
887b. N. is (spiritually) mighty, N. is honoured, N. is, (physically) mighty;
887c. the arms of N. are carrying, the stride of N. is long.
888a. N. shines in the East like Rē‘;
888b. he goes in the West like Khepri.
888c. N. lives on that which Horus, lord of heaven, lives, by the command of Horus, lord of heaven.
888d. N. purifies Rē‘;
889a. N. mounts upon his throne;
889b. N. takes his helm (oar).
889c. N. sails (rows) Rē‘, as him who strides over the sky,
889d. the śḥd-star of gold, the adornment of the bull of light,
889e. the bifork (brother) of gold, the companion of him who strides over the sky.
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890a. He flies, who flies; N. also flies away from you, O men.
890b. He belongs not to the earth; N. belongs to heaven.
891a. O thou his city-god, may the ka of N. be at thy fingers.
891b. N. has flown as a cloud to heaven like the heron;
891c. N. has kissed the sky like a falcon;
891d. N. has reached the sky as the grasshopper, which makes the sun invisible.
892a. N. has not reviled the king,
892b. he has not respected Bastet.
892c. There is not an ’ihȝb.w, which N. has done as chief of the sedan-chairmen.
893a. If it is the son of Rē‘, for whom he will prepare his place, then will he prepare a place for N.;
893b. if it is the son of Rē‘ who will be well, then N. will be well,
893c. who will hunger, then N. will hunger.
Utterance 468.
894a. To say: A Great One is awake beside his ka, after this Great One had fallen asleep by his ka;
894b. N. is awake beside his ka, after this N. had fallen asleep by his ka;
894c. this Great One is awake; N. is awake;
894d. the gods are awake, awakened are the mighty ones.
895a. O N., raise thyself up, stand up.
895b. The Great Ennead, who are in Heliopolis, have assigned thee to thy great position,
895c. that thou mayest sit, N., at the head of the Ennead,
895d. like Geb, the hereditary prince of the gods, like Osiris at the head of the mighty ones, as Horus lord of men and gods.
896a. O N., who keeps secret his form like Anubis,
896b. take to thee thy face as jackal.
896c. The keeper, who presides in the two ’itr.t-palaces, stands up before thee, as before Anubis, who presides in sḥ-ntr.
897a. Thou causest the Followers of Horus to be satisfied.
897b. Horus avenges thee, N.; Horus causes thee to be satisfied, N., with the offering which he hath,
897c. that thy heart, N., may be satisfied with it, on the feast of the month and on the feast of the half-month.
897d. The joyful rejoices for thee, as for Anubis, who presides in sḥ-ntr.
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898a. Isis laments for thee, Nephthys bemoans thee, as Horus who avenged his father, Osiris.
898b. A son who avenged his father, Horus has avenged N.
899a. Osiris lives, the spirit who is in Ndi.t lives, N. lives.
899b. O N., thy name lives among the living;
899c. thou wilt be a spirit, N., among the spirits; thou wilt be mighty among the mighty.
900a. O N., thy fear (i.e. the fear of thee) is the sound eye of Horus,
900b. that white crown, (which is) the wt.t-uraeus, which is in el-Kâb (Nḫb).
900c. She puts thy fear, N., in the eyes of all gods,
900d. in the eyes of the spirits, the imperishable stars, those of secret places,
900e. in the eyes of all things (beings), who will see thee and who will hear thy name.
901a. O N., equip thyself with the red eye of Horus, the red crown,
901b. which is great in fame (spirits), which is rich in appearances (beings),
901c. that it may protect thee, N., as it protected Horus.
902a. It gives thee fame, N., among the Two Enneads,
902b. through the two wt.t-uraeuses, which are on thy forehead.
902c. They lift thee up, N.;
902d. they lead thee to thy mother Nut; it (the uraeus of the North) lays hold of thine arm,
903a. that thou be not in need, that thou mayest not moan (like a cedar), that thou perish not.
903b. Horus has caused thee to be a spirit at the head of the spirits, that thou mayest be mighty at the head of the living.
903c. How beautiful is that which Horus has done for N.,
903d. for this spirit, who was conceived by a god, who was conceived by two gods!
904a. O N., thou wilt be a soul like the Souls of Heliopolis;
904b. thou wilt be a soul like the Souls of Hierakonpolis; thou wilt be a soul like the Souls of Buto;
904c. thou wilt be a soul like the star of life, which is at the bead of his brothers.
905a. O N., I am Thot. May the king give an offering: Thy bread and thy beer are given to thee;
p. 165
905b. these are thy two pȝd-cakes, which are delivered by Horus, which are in the broad-hall,
905c. that he may cause thy heart to be satisfied thereby, N., for ever and ever.
Utterance 469.
906a. N. purifies himself;
906b. N. has taken his helm (oar); he occupies his seat;
906c. N. seats himself in the bow of the boat of the Two Enneads;
906d. N. rows Rē‘ to the West.
906e. He (Rē‘) establishes the seat of N. ever the lords of kas;
906f. he writes (the name) of N. over the living.
907a. The double doors of the bȝ-kȝ, which is in ḳbḥ.w, are open for N.;
907b. the double doors of biȝ, which is in śḥd.w, are open for N.
907c. This N. goes through,
907d. with his panther-skin loin-cloth on, and the ȝmś-sceptre of N. in his hand.
906a. N. is unhurt (well) with his flesh; N. is pleased (is good) with his name.
906b. N. lives with his ka;
908c. it (the ka) expels the evil which is before N.;
908d. it drives away the evil which is behind N.;
908e. like the boomerangs of him who presides over Letopolis,
908f. which drove away the evil which was before him,
908g. which expelled the evil which was behind him.
909a. N. sees what the nḫḫ.w (-stars) do, because (to be) on their side is so good;
909b. N. is pleased (to be) with them; they are pleased.
909c. I am a (nḫḫ.w)-star, the side-locks of a (nḫḫ.w)-star; N. is a (nḫḫ.w)-star, a (nḫḫ.w)-star indeed.
909d. This N. will not suffer eternally.
Utterance 470.
910a. To say: N. knows his mother; N. forgets not his mother;
910b. the white crown, the shining, the broad, which dwells in el-Kâb, the lady of the great house,
910c. the lady of the land worthy of honour, the lady of the secret land,
p. 166
910d. the lady of the marsh of fishermen, the lady of the valley of ḥtp.tiw,
911a. the red-coloured, the red crown, the lady of the lands of Buto.
911b. "Mother of N.," so said I,
911c. "give thy breast to N., that N. may suck therewith."
912a. "(My) son N.," so said she, "take to thee my breast; that thou mayest suck it" said she,
912b. "that thou mayest live again," so said she, "that thou mayest be (again) small," so said she.
913a. "Thou shalt ascend to heaven as a falcon,
913b. thy feathers shall be as those of a goose," so said she.
913c. Hdhd, bring this to N.;
913d. he is the great wild-bull.
914a. "Bull of offerings, bow thy horn,
914b. let N. pass by; it is N."
914c. "Where goest thou?" "N. goes to heaven, in possession of life and joy,
915a. that N. may see his, father; that N. may see Rē‘."
915b. "Thou are on the way to the high places, to the places of Set."
916a. The high places will put him on the places of Set;
916b. (even) on that high sycamore cast of the sky, it having bent down, on which the gods sit;
917a. for N. is indeed the living falcon, who has explored ḳbḥ.w;
917b. for N. is indeed the great helmsman, who has voyaged over the two ḫȝtȝ-parts of heaven;
917c. for N. is indeed he of the great foot, with long stride.
918a. N. purifies himself in the Marsh of Reeds;
918b. N. dresses himself in the field of Khepri;
918c. N. finds Rē‘ there.
919a. If Rē‘ comes forth in the East, he finds N. in the horizon;
919b. if Rē‘ comes to the West, he finds N. in the possession of life and endurance;
919c. every beautiful place where Rē‘ goes, he finds N. there.
Utterance 471.
920a. To say: N. is the being of a god, the son of a god, the messenger of a god.
920b. N. comes, and N. purifies himself in the Marsh of Reeds,
920c. N. comes down to the field of Kns.t.
921a. The Followers of Horus purify N.
p. 167
921b. they bathe N., they dry N.,
921c. they recite for N. the chapter of the right way,
921d. they recite for N. the chapter of those who ascend for life and joy.
922a. N. ascends to heaven for life and joy.
922b. N. embarks (descends) for life and joy into the boat of Rē‘;
922c. N. commands for him those gods who transport him.
923a. Every god shall rejoice at the approach of N.,
923b. as they rejoice at the approach of Rē‘,
923c. when he comes forth on the eastern side of the sky, in peace, in peace.
Utterance 472.
924a. To say: Heaven thunders, the earth trembles before N.
924b. N. is a magician; N. is he who is possessed of magic.
925a. N. comes that he may glorify Śȝḥ,
925b. that he may cause Osiris to be at the head, that he may put the gods in their places.
925c. Mȝ-ḥȝ.f, bull of the gods,, bring this (boat?) to N.,
925d. set N. on that side for life and joy.
Utterance 473.
926a. To say: The two reed-floats of heaven are placed by the morning-boat for Rē‘,
926b. that Rē‘ may ferry over on them to Horus who inhabits the horizon, to the horizon.
926c. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed by the evening-boat for Horus who inhabits the horizon,
926d. that Horus who inhabits the horizon may ferry over on them to Rē‘, to the horizon.
927a. The two reed-floats of heaven are caused to descend for N. by the morning-boat,
927b. that N. may mount on them to Rē‘, to the horizon.
927c. The two reed-floats of heaven are caused to descend for N. by the evening-boat,
927d. that N. may mount on them to Horus, who inhabits the horizon, to the horizon.
928a. N. mounts on high on this eastern side of heaven where the gods are born;
p. 168
928b. N. will be born (anew there) like Horus, like him of the horizon.
929a. N. is justified; the ka of N. is justified;
929b. the sister of N. is Sothis; the mother of N. is the morning star.
930a. N. hath found the spirits well-equipped by reason of their mouth,
930b. sitting on the two shores of the śḥśḥ-lake,
930c. the drinking-bowl of each spirit well-equipped by reason of his mouth.
930d. "Hast thou no eyes?", so said they to N.,
930e. the spirits well-equipped by reason of their mouth.
930f. Said he, "a spirit well-equipped by reason of his mouth."
931a. "How has this happened to thee?", so said they to N.,
931b. the spirits well-equipped by reason of their mouth,
931c. "that thou art come to this place which is more august than any place?"
931d. N. is come to this place which is more august than any place.
932a. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed by the morning-boat for Rē‘,
932b. that Rē‘ may ferry over on them to Horus who inhabits the horizon, to the horizon.
932c. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed by the evening-boat for Horus who inhabits the horizon,
932d. that Horus who inhabits the horizon may ferry over on them to Rē‘, to the horizon,
933a. because the two reed-floats of heaven were caused to descend for N. by the morning-boat,
933b. that N. may mount on them for life and joy to Rē‘, to the horizon;
933c. because the two reed-floats of heaven were caused to descend for N. by the evening-boat,
933d. that N. may mount on them to Horus who inhabits the horizon, to the horizon.
934a. N. mounts on high on this eastern side of heaven, where the gods are born;
934b. N. was born (anew there) like Horus, like him of the horizon.
935a. N. is justified; the ka of N. is justified.
935b. Praise be to N.; praise be to the ka of N.
p. 169
935c. The sister of N. is Sothis; the mother of N. is the morning star.
936a. N. comes (to be) with you:
936b. N. walks with you in the Marsh of Reeds;
936c. he pastures as you pasture in the field of malachite;
937a. N. eats of that which you eat;
937b. N.. lives on that on which you live;
937c. N. clothes himself with that wherewith you clothe yourselves;
937d. N. anoints himself with that wherewith you anoint yourselves;
937e. N. takes water with you out of the mn-canal (or, lake of the nurse) of N.,
937f. the drinking-bowl of each spirit well-equipped by reason of his mouth.
938a. N. sits as he who lives in the great ’itr.t-palace;
938b. N. commands (each) spirit well-equipped by reason of his mouth;
938c. N. sits on the two shores of the śḥśḥ-lake;
938d. N. commands (each) spirit well-equipped by reason of his mouth.
Utterance 474.
939a. To say: "How beautiful indeed it is to see," says she, said Isis;
939b. "how fortunate indeed it is to see," says she, said Nephthys
939c. to the king, to this Osiris N.,
940a. as he ascends to heaven among the stars, among the imperishable stars,
940b. the lion-helmet (renown) of N. on his head,
940c. his terror on both sides of him, his magic preceding him!
941a. N. goes therewith to his mother Nut;
941b. N. climbs upon her, in this her name of "Ladder."
941c. The gods who inhabit heaven are brought to thee; they unite for thee with the gods who inhabit the earth,
941d. that thou mayest be with them, that thou mayest go on their arms.
942a. The Souls of Buto are brought to thee; the Souls of Hierakonpolis are united for thee.
942b. "All belongs to N.,"
p. 170
942c. so said Geb, who has spoken thereof with Atum. So it was done for him.
943a. "The Marshes of Reeds,
943b. the Horite regions, the regions of Set
943c. all belongs to N.,"
943d. so said Geb, who has spoken thereof with Atum. So it was done for him.
944a. He came against thee; he said he would kill thee.
944b. He has not killed thee; it is thou who wilt kill him.
944c. Thou holdest thine own against him, as the surviving bull of the wild-bulls.
945a. Further, to say four times: N., thou remainest in life and joy;
945b. N., thou shalt certainly remain in life and joy.
Utterance 475.
946a. To say: O ferryman,
946b. who has brought this (boat) to Horus, that his, eye may be brought back,
946c. who has brought this to Set, that his testicles may be brought back,
947a. the eye of Horus sprang up as he fell on the eastern side of the sky.
947b. Dost thou spring up with it, that thou mayest fall on (come to) the eastern side of the sky?
948a. N. goes that he may do service of courtier to Rē‘
948b. in the place of the gods, who are gone to their kas,
948c. who have lived in the places of Horus, who have lived in the places of Set.
949a. Behold N. is come, behold N. is ascended for life and joy;
949b. N. has attained the heights of heaven;
949c. N. is not warded off by the palace of the Great Ones, from the way of the śḥd.w-stars.
950a. The morning-boat calls N.; it is, N. who bails it out.
950b. Rē‘ appoints N. as lord of life and joy.
Utterance 476.
951a. To say: Heaven purifies itself for Rē‘; the earth purifies itself for Horus.
951b. Every god who is between them purifies N.;
p. 171
951c. N. adores the god.
952a. O thou keeper of the way of N., who art at the great gate,
952b. certify N. to these two great and powerful gods,
952c. for N. is indeed the wng-plant, the son of Rē‘,
952d. which supports, the sky, which leads (governs) the earth, which will judge the gods.
953a. N. will sit among you, ye stars who inhabit the Dȝ.tiw.
953b. You shall carry N. like Rē‘, you shall serve N. like Horus;
953c. You shall cause N. to be high like Wp-wȝ.wt, you shall love N. like Min.
954a. Scribe, scribe, break thy writing-kit,
954b. break thy two pens, tear up thy papyrus-rolls.
955a. Rē‘, expel him from his post, put N. in his place, living eternally,
955b. that N. may be happy in possession of the staff of office.
955c. Rē‘, expel him from his post, put N. in his place.
955d. It is N., for life.
Utterance 477.
956a. To say: The sky shakes, the earth quakes.
956b. Horus comes; Thot appears. They raise Osiris from on his side;
956c. they cause him to stand (as chief) among the Two Enneads.
957a. Remember, Set, put in thy heart
957b. this word which Geb spoke, this threat which the gods made against thee
957c. in the house of the prince, in Heliopolis, because thou didst strike Osiris to the ground,
958a. as thou, Set, didst say: "I have not done this against him,"
958b. that thou mayest prevail thereby, having been acquitted, that thou mayest prevail in spite of Horus.
959a. As thou, Set, didst say: "It is he who defied me"
959b. --and so arose his name of "’Ik-w-tȝ";
959c. as thou, Set, didst say: "It is he who came too near to me"
959d. --and so arose his name of "Śȝḥ"
959e. he with outstretched leg, with long stride, who inhabits the land of Upper Egypt.
960a. Raise thyself up, Osiris; Set raised himself up,
960b. after he had heard the threat of the gods, who spoke concerning the father of the god.
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960c. Isis has thine arm, Osiris; Nephthys has thy hand; thou goest between them.
961a. Heaven is given to thee, earth is given to thee, the Marsh of Reeds,
961b. the Horite regions, the Setite regions,
961c. the cities are given to thee, the nomes are united for thee, saith Atum.
961d. It is Geb who has spoken about it.
962a. Whet thy knife, Thot, the sharp, the cutting,
962b. which removes heads, which cuts out hearts.
963a. It shall remove the heads, it shall cut the hearts
963b. of those who would place themselves in the way of N., when he goes to thee, Osiris;
963c. of those who would restrain N., when he goes to thee, Osiris.
963d. Give him life and joy.
964a. N. comes to thee, lord of heaven; N. comes to thee, Osiris,
964b. that N. may wipe thy face, that he may clothe thee with the clothes of a god,
964c. serving as priest to thee in the Ddi.t (necropolis).
965a. It is Sothis, thy daughter, who loves thee,
965b. who secures thy livelihood (or, makes thy yearly offerings), in this her name of "Year",
965c. who conducts N., when N. comes to thee.
966a. N. comes to thee, lord of heaven; N. comes to thee, Osiris,
966b. that N. may wipe thy face, that N. may clothe thee with the clothes of a god,
966c. while N. serves as a priest to thee in the ’Iȝdi,
966d. that he may eat a limb of thine enemy,
966e. that he may cut it in pieces for Osiris, so that he may make him as he who is at the head of the butchers.
967a. N. comes to thee, lord of heaven; N. comes to thee, Osiris,
967b. that N. may wipe thy face, that N. may clothe thee with the clothes of a god,
967c. that N. may do for thee that which Geb commanded that he should do for thee,
967d. that he fasten thine arm on the ’nh-sceptre, that he lift up thine arm on the wȝś-sceptre.
968a. N. comes to thee, lord of heaven; N. comes to thee, Osiris,
968b. that N. may wipe thy face, that N. may clothe thee with the clothes of a god,
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968c. while N. serves as priest to thee.
969a. It is Horus thy son, whom thou hast conceived; he has not put N. over the dead,
969b. he puts him among the gods, for he is divine.
970a. Their water is the water of N., their bread is the bread of N.,
970b. their purification is the purification of N.
970c. What Horus has done for Osiris, he has done for N.
Utterance 478.
971a. To say: Greetings to thee, Ladder of god;
971b. greetings to thee, Ladder of Set.
971c. Stand up Ladder of god;
971d. stand up Ladder of Set; stand up Ladder of Horus
971e. which was made for Osiris, that he may ascend upon it to heaven and do service of courtier to Rē‘.
972a. Thou art come in search of thy brother, Osiris,
972b. after his brother Set had cast him on his side,
972c. on yonder side of Gḥś.ti.
973a. Horus comes, his lion-helmet on his head; his face he turns towards his father, Geb.
973b. N. is thy son, N. is Horus.
974a. Thou hast conceived N. as thou hast conceived the god, lord of the ladder,
974b. to whom thou hast given the ladder of the god, to whom thou hast given the ladder of Set,
974c. that N. may ascend to heaven on it and do service of courtier to Rē‘.
975a. Let also the ladder of god be given to N., let the ladder of Set be given to N.
975b. that N. may ascend to heaven on it, and do service of courtier to Rē‘,
975c. just like gods who are gone to their kas.
976a. The eye of Horus glowers (?) on the wing of Thot,
976b. on the left side of the ladder of the god.
976c. O men, a uraeus-serpent (goes) to heaven. N. is the eye of Horus.
976d. After its foot has been stopped at every place where it was, N. goes as the eye of Horus goes.
977a. Be pleased that N. come among you, ye his brothers, the gods;
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977b. rejoice at the approach of N., ye his brothers, the gods,
977c. as Horus rejoiced at the approach of his eye,
977d. after his eye was given (back) to him in the presence of his father, Geb.
978a. Every spirit, every god, who shall oppose his arm to N.,
978b. when he ascends to heaven on the ladder of the god,
978c. the earth shall not be hoed for him, the wdn.t-offering shall not be made for him,
978d. he shall not ferry over to the evening meal in Heliopolis,
978e. he shall not ferry over to the morning meal in Heliopolis.
979a. He shall guard himself, he has obligated himself, (he) who will see, (he) who will hear,
979b. that he (the deceased) ascends to heaven on the ladder of the god,
979c. appearing like the uraeus-serpent which was on the forehead of Set.
980a. Every spirit, every god who shall open his arms to N. (will be) on the ladder of the god.
980b. United for N. are his bones, assembled for him are his limbs;
980c. N. has sprung up to heaven on the fingers of the god, lord of the ladder.
Utterance 479.
981a. To say: The double doors of heaven are open; the double doors of ḳbḥ.w are open for Horus of the gods,
981b. that he may ascend at daybreak and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.
982a. The double doors of heaven are open; the double doors of ḳbḥ.w are open for Horus of the East,
982b. that he may ascend at daybreak and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.
983a. The double doors of heaven are open; the double doors of ḳbḥ.w are open for Horus of the Šsm.t-land,
983b. that he may ascend at daybreak and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.
984a. The double doors of heaven are open; the double doors of ḳbḥ.w are open for Osiris,
984b. that he may ascend at daybreak and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.
p. 175
985a. The double doors of heaven are open; the double doors of ḳbḥ.w are open for N.,
985b. that he may ascend at daybreak and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.
956a. Truly,
986b. he Who ascended, ascended at daybreak and he has purified himself in the Marsh of Reeds,
986c. Horus of the gods ascended at daybreak and he has purified himself in the Marsh of Reeds.
987a. He who ascended, ascended at daybreak and he has purified himself in the Marsh of Reeds,
987b. Horus of the Šsm.t-land ascended at daybreak and be has purified himself in the Marsh of Reeds.
988a. He who ascended, ascended at daybreak and he has purified himself in the Marsh of Reeds.
988b. Osiris ascended at daybreak and be has purified himself in the Marsh of Reeds.
989a. He who ascended, ascended at daybreak and he has purified himself in the Marsh of Reeds,
989b. N. ascended at the beginning of day and has purified himself in the Marsh of Reeds.
990a. Rē‘, impregnate the body of Nut with the seed of the spirit, which shall be in her.
990b. The earth shall rise under the feet of N.; Tefnut shall lay bold of the arm of N.
990c. It is Seker who will purify N.; it is Rē‘ who will give his certificate (lit. arm) to N.
991a. N. will be more at the head than he who is at the head of the Ennead.
991b. N. takes his place-he is in ḳbḥ.w.
991c. Hnni, Hnni, ’Ipȝti, ’Ipȝti,
991d. Take N. with you, living eternally.
Utterance 480.
992a. To say: How beautiful indeed is the sight; how elevating indeed is the sight,
992b. the ascension of this god, N., to heaven, like the ascension of father Atum to heaven,
992c. his renown over him, his magic on both sides of him, his terror before him,
p. 176
993a. after he (Atum) has brought to N. the cities, assembled for N. the nomes,
993b. united for N. the mśm.w-lands!
993c. He who had spoken concerning it is Geb, hereditary prince of the gods.
994a. The regions of Horus, the regions of Set, the Marsh of Reeds--
994b. they praise N., as Dwȝ.w,
994c. as ’Iȝḥś, who is chief of the land of Upper Egypt,
994d. as Ddwn, who is chief of the land of Nubia,
994e. as Sopdu, (who lives) under his kśb.t-trees.
995a. They bring the ladder for N.;
995b. they set up the ladder for N.;
995c. they raise up the ladder for N.
995d. The mȝḳ.t-ladder comes; the pȝḳ.t-ladder comes, thy name comes (as) the gods named (it).
996a. Those who have ascended are come, those who have ascended are come; those who have climbed up are come, those who have climbed' up are come;
996b. those who have lifted themselves up like Shu are come, those who have lifted themselves up like Shu are come.
996c. N. ascends on the hips of Isis; N. climbs up on the hips of Nephthys.
997a. The father of N., Atum, lays bold of the arm of N.;
997b. he appoints N. as, chief of those gods,
997c. the nimble, the wise, the imperishables.
998a. Behold this which you have said, ye gods, that N. would not again be at your head.
998b. Behold, N. remains as he who is at your head, as the surviving bull of the wild bulls.
Utterance 481.
999a. To say: Look-out, His-face-behind-him, ferry N. over.
999b. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed, that N. may ferry over therewith to Rē‘, to the horizon.
999c. The two reed-floats of heaven were placed for Rē‘, that he might ferry over therewith to Horus of the gods, to the horizon.
1000a. The two reed-floats of heaven are placed for N.,
1000b. that N. may ferry over therewith to Rē‘, to the horizon.
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1000c. N. will ferry over to his station on the eastern side of the sky,
1000d. in its northern region, among the imperishable stars,
1000e. who stand on (by?) their d‘m-sceptres, who stand (?) on their eastern standard.
1001a. N. will stand among them.
1001b. The brother of N. is the moon, the mother (mśtw) of N. is the morning star.
1001c. Give thine arm to N., that he may live.
Utterance 482.
1002a. To say: O father, Osiris N.,
1002b. raise thyself from thy left side, put thyself on thy right side,
1002c. toward this fresh water, which I have given to thee.
1003a. O father, Osiris N.,
1003b. raise thyself from thy left side, put thyself on thy right side,
1003c. toward this warm bread, which I have made for thee.
1004a. O father, Osiris N.,
1004b. the double doors of heaven are open for thee; the double doors of the bows are open for thee.
1004c. The gods of Buto are filled with compassion
1004d. when they come to Osiris at the voice of lamentation of Isis and Nephthys.
1005a. The Souls of Buto dance for thee;
1005b. they beat their flesh for thee; they smite their arms for thee;
1005c. they dishevel their hair for thee;
1005d. they say to Osiris:
1006. "Thou art gone, thou art come; thou art awake, thou wast asleep; thou remainest alive.
1007a. Stand up, see this; stand up, hear this,
1007b. what thy son has done for thee, what Horus has done for thee.
1007c. He beats him who beats thee; he binds him who binds thee;
1008a. he puts him under his great daughter who is in Ḳdm.
1008b. (it is) thy great sister who collected thy flesh, who gathered thy hands,
1008c. who sought thee, who found thee upon thy side on the shore of Ndi.t,
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1009a. so that mourning ceased in the two ’itr.t-palaces."
1009b. Ye gods, speak to him, bring him to you.
1009c. But thou shalt ascend to heaven; thou shalt become Wp.wȝ.wt.
1010a. Thy son Horus leads thee on the ways of heaven.
1010b. Heaven is given to thee; earth is given to thee; the Marsh of Reeds is given to thee,
1010c. together with those two great gods who come from Heliopolis.
Utterance 483.
1011a. To say: The libation is poured which should be poured. Wp.wȝ.wt is up.
1011b. The sleeping ones are awake, awakened are those who should awake; Horus is awake.
1012a. Raise thyself up, Osiris N., son of Geb, his, first(-born),
1012b. before whom the Great Ennead tremble.
1012c. Thou purifiest thyself on the first of the month, thou dawnest on the day of the new moon, for thee will be celebrated the three beginnings (of the divisions of the year).
1012d. The great min.t mourns for thee, as for "Him who stands there without being tired," who resides at Abydos.
1013a. Earth, hear that which Geb said, that he spiritualized Osiris as god,
1013b. as the watchers of Buto appointed him, and the watchers of Hierakonpolis proclaimed him,
1013c. like Seker, who is at the head of Pdw-š,
1013b. (like) Horus-Ḥȝ, and (like) Ḥmn.
1014a. The earth speaks: "The portal of the Dȝ.t (var. ȝkr) is open."
1014b. The double doors of Geb are open for thee, before thee. Thy speech goes forth before Anubis;
1015a. thy dignity, which is come out of the mouth of Anubis, is Horus, who is chief of his department (or, thigh-offering),
1015b. he of Śȝtw.t, the lord of S'bw.t (the rebel city),
1015c. the Upper Egyptian jackal god, nome-governor of the Great Ennead.
1016a. Thou withdrawest thyself to heaven on thy firm throne;
p. 179
1016b. thou ferriest over the Winding Watercourse, while thy face is in the north of Nut.
1016c. Rē‘ calls thee out of the 'iskn of heaven;
1016d. thou approachest the god; Set fraternizes with thee.
1017a. The odour of Ddwn is on thee, the Upper Egyptian youth;
1017b. he gives thee his pure incense wherewith he censes the gods,
1017c. at the birth of the two children (twins?) of the king of Lower Egypt, who are on the head of the lord of the great (crown).
1018a. Thou hast abundance in the green herb,
1018b. where abundance came to the children of Geb.
1018c. Thy dismembered limbs are collected, thou who hast might over the Bows.
1019a. May Anubis give an offering: The ’imȝ-tree serves thee; the nbś-tree turns its head to thee;
1019b. thou encirclest the sky like Swntw (or, Swnt).
Utterance 484.
1020a. To say: N. is the Great One who is ascended to heaven
1020b. ---------------------------------
1021a. ------------- [a god is come] in peace, so says she,
1021b. my son, N., is come in peace, so says she, Nut,
1021c. he on whose back no strap (?) has fallen; he on whose hands nothing evil has fallen.
1021d. I will also not permit him to fall; I will also not permit him to leave me.
1022a. N. is the appearing (-mound) of the earth in the midst of the sea, whose hand the inhabitants of the earth have not grasped;
1022b. the inhabitants of the earth have not grasped the hand [of N].
1022c. -------------------- the inhabitants of the earth.
1022d. Shu bends the earth under the feet ----------------
1022e. -----------------------------------
1023a. Also that which he has done is that
1023b. he separates N. from his brother ‘n.ti; he unites him with my brother ‘f.ti.
1024a. His name lives on account of natron-offerings and he is divine.
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1024b. N. lives also on that which he lives, on the wr.t-loaf, behind the god.
1024c. It is N. who has transgressed the order; it is N. who has transgressed the order, who is at your feet, ye gods.
Utterance 485.
1025a. To say: [The two doors of heaven] are open, [the two doors of ḳbḥw are open].
1025b. --------------------------------------------
1025c. --------------------------------------------
1025d. [take N. to heaven to the house] of Horus, which is in heaven.
1026a. Each god who will take N. to heaven, living, enduring,
1026b. for him oxen shall be slaughtered, to him legs shall be offered,
1026c. and he shall ascend to the house of Horus, which is in heaven.
1027a. Each god who will not take him to heaven,
1027b. he shall not be respected, he shall have no ba-loin-cloth, he shall smell (taste) no pȝḳ-cake,
1027c. he shall not ascend to the house of Horus, which is in heaven, on the day of the hearing of the word (trial).
1028a. --------------------------------------------
1028b. --------------------------------------------
1028c. --------------------------------------------
1029a. [N. has come] to thee, Rē‘,
1029b. calf of gold, born of heaven,
1029c. fattened (calf) of gold, created by the Ḥsȝ.t-cow.
1030a. Horus, take N. with thee, living, enduring;
1030b. Horus, let not N. be without a boat.
1030c. N. comes to thee, father; N. comes to thee, Geb.
1030d. Give thine arm to N., that N. may ascend to heaven to his mother Nut.
1031a. --------------------------------------------
1031b. --------------------------------------------
1031c. --------------------------------------------
1032a. that we, the Two Enneads, may find an avenger beside him (lit. at his hand),
1032b. although we, the Two Enneads, did not find him who (seized him) from behind (lit. on his hinder part).
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1032c. Geb comes, (his) lion-helmet on his head, his two (angry) eyes (lit. yellow eyes) in his face,
1033a. that he may smite you and count (search) foreign lands in search of Osiris.
1033b. He found him lying on his side in Gḥś.ti.
1033c. Osiris, stand up for thy father, Geb, that he may protect thee against Set.
1034a. Nun ----------------------------------------
1034b. --------------------------------------------
1035a. -------------- [I have protected] Osiris against his brother, Set.
1035b. I am that which bound his feet, bound his hands,
1035c. which laid him on his side in Tȝ-rw.
1036a. Horus who is over the šdšd of heaven, give thou thine arm to N.,
1036b. that N. may ascend to heaven to Nut; (Nut) give thine arm to N., in life and satisfaction,
1036c. that thou mayest unite his bones and collect his limbs.
1037a. Thou unitest his bones [to] -----------------------
1037b. ---------------------------------------------
1037c. --------------------------------------------
1037d. [There is not a limb to N] which is without a god,
1038. when he ascends, when he lifts himself up to the sky as the great star which is in the east.
Utterance 486.
1039a. To say: Greetings to you, Waters, which were brought by Shu and lifted up by the two sources,
1039b. in which Geb bathed his limbs,
1039c. so that hearts were in the following of fear and hearts were in the following of terror.
1040a. N. was born in Nun,
1040b. when the sky had not yet come into being, when the earth had not yet come into being,
1040c. when the two supports (of the sky) had not yet come into being, when unrest had not yet come into being,
1040d. when fear had not yet come into being, which came into being on account of the eye of Horus.
1041a. N. is one of that great corporation who was born before (all others) in Heliopolis,
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1041b. who will not be taken away for (on account of?) a king
1041c. who (lit. they) will (not) be confiscated for (on account of?) high officials,
1041d. who will not be executed, who will not be pronounced guilty.
1042a. N. is such as has not been executed;
1042b. he has not been taken away for (on account of?) a king,
1042c. he has not been confiscated for (on account of?) high officials,
1042d. his enemy has not been justified against him;
1043a. N. has not become poor, his fingernails have not become long,
1043b. no bones of N. have been broken.
1044a. If N. descends into the water,
1044b. Osiris raises him up and the Two Enneads bear him up;
1044c. Rē‘ gives his arm to N. to the place where a god should be.
1045a. If N. descends into the earth,
1045b. Geb raises him up and the Two Enneads bear him up;
1045c. Rē‘ gives his arm to N. to every place where a god should be.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
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